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lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

Katy Perry shared his Instagram account a farewell message to his make-up artist who was for years

Katy Perry shared his Instagram account a farewell message to his make-up artist who was for years, Jake Bailey. According to US media reported, the 37-year-old was found dead in his apartment in Los Angeles last Friday.

It is assumed that the cause of his death was a suicide by inhaling high levels of carbon monoxide. This news saddened the pop singer Katy Perry, who decided to dedicate a post on Instagram sense.

"Jake, my sweet, sensitive soul. What a beautiful trip and what a beautiful friendship we had. What a beautiful art created together. We conquered the biggest stages in the world, together. I know you lived your life very hard, and that resulted in the incredible artistic passion that came out of all that were playing, the incredible images that trasladabas your muses, setting off the beauty in all of them. You had a eye for detail another world ... could laugh about how you would throw a nap at the crease in the eyelid that you created (because it was so deep) or eyes in 45 minutes of Jake, who had a so precise tabs that even Bambi could compete. Essentially, you created my look since we met in the video of the song 'Hot and Cold', "reads the release of Instagram for Katy Perry.

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